5 Star Review by Jack Magnus

Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite

Review Rating:  5 STAR MEMOIR - Eva G Kane

5 Stars – Congratulations on your 5-star review!


It’s Not Too Late Baby: A Kundalini Love Story is a nonfiction memoir written by Eva G. Kane. Kane and her husband’s marriage was a love match. They were both musicians, and they both delighted in each other’s company — at first. But something changed over time. Their wavelengths were decidedly different now, and her enthusiasm was more often than not met with silence and, worse, the death stare he seemed to have perfected just for her. Even their son was appalled by the dismissive and hostile tones Adam openly used in responding to her. And there were the unexplained and ever increasing absences. Not only the two-week overseas trips now, but late nights and weekend absences, and the increasingly cold and hostile environment. Eva had always ignored that single monthly Visa bill that she didn’t write the checks for, as Adam had told her that he took care of it online. But, one day, she decided she had to take a look at it. Maybe she’d get a clue into what was going on. What she found would have sent most wives or husbands running for the divorce courts and a good lawyer, but Eva wanted more.

It’s Not Too Late Baby: A Kundalini Love Story is a refreshingly honest and candid look at love, life and relationships. Kane’s journey from aggrieved wife and victim back to being a partner and friend is an inspiring one. Along the way, she shares what it was like growing up in a most unconventional household where the children’s interest in the arts were encouraged and summers were long and riotous affairs centered around the family’s pool. Kane’s storytelling is so effortless and smooth that one often forgets that her book is a memoir, not a novel, and that’s a good thing. She shares her memories in a most compelling way, making her mom and dad substantial and real, and showing that her path to enlightenment is one that anyone with the right attitude could emulate and follow. I especially enjoyed reading the original lyrics she adds to each chapter. I had a marvelous time reading It’s Not Too Late Baby: A Kundalini Love Story and am looking forward to Kane’s future writing adventures. This memoir is most highly recommended.


“Kane’s journey from aggrieved wife and victim back to being a partner and friend is an inspiring one”